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Holding Hands

Community Assistance

Communities are about coming together in the same space where we live, work and play to work towards a better place for all.

Several local and regional organizations offer services to help others in need, it just takes finding the resource you need at the time you need it.

Look over this list to see how your family may be able to improve your quality of life through the generosity of others.

Local Resources

Community Action Partnership

North Central Missouri (CAPNCM)

1506 Oklahoma Ave.

Trenton, MO 64601

(660) 359-3907

Toll Free: (855) 290-8544

Must fill out intake form available at CMU Office & Livingston County Health Center.

Services include:  rent assistance, weatherization, commodity foods, food pantry, fan/air conditioners, emergency heat and cooling assistance, employment and training services, Senior Tax Funds for financial assistance. 

Community Resource Center

913 Webster Street, Chillicothe

(660) 646-1667


Operation Help

First Christian Church

900 Jackson, Chillicothe

(660) 646-2602

Salvation Army

621 West Mohawk, Chillicothe

(660) 646-3538

Services include:  emergency food, shelter, clothing; disaster services; adult & family development programs; Christian counseling; Christmas assistance; other services as determined and as resources are available.

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